hari ni nk share satu lagu nih..
lagu nih first time dengar time satu usrah hari tuh..smpai hari nih teringat ingat lagu nih n video...
all thanks to k.suhaila n k.najla as a naqibah for my usrah..jazakallahukhair..
petik dr ayat kak su time tuh..
'islam datang secara ghuraba' and akan pergi scara ghuraba''
first-first islam dtg sgt la pelik org pakai tudung nmpak pelik zaman baru bermula islam..sungguh ghuraba'....
dan islam akan slow2 pergi...
eh x..zaman skrg org yg pergi tinggalkan islam..bukan islam tinggalkan kita
islam zaman jahiliyah akan jadi ghuraba' jugak..
xcaye jom tengok zaman skrg..*sng nk compare
cuber pergi ke kwsn bandar-bandar yg maju..or g luar negara yg negara tu islam sbgai minority..kalau kita pakai tudung,smbahyang tgah jalan comfirm tengok kita sbgi ghuraba'..
maka sesungguhnya bertuah la org yg ghuraba' di akhir zaman itu..
so lets the song tell the story..jom layan n hayati lyric dia..
sbb lgu nih bahasa sy sdiakan lyric translation tuk lgu nih..
Ghurabaa`, ghurabaa`, ghurabaaa` ghurabaa`
Ghurabaa`, ghurabaa`, ghurabaaa` ghurabaa`
Ghurabaa`, ghurabaa`, ghurabaaa` ghurabaa`
Ghurabaa`, ghurabaa`, ghurabaaa` ghurabaa`
Ghurabaa`, ghurabaa`, ghurabaaa` ghurabaa`
Ghurabaa` do not bow the foreheads to anyone besides Allah
Ghurabaa` have chosen this to be the motto of life
If you ask about us, then we do not care about the tyrants
We are the regular soldiers of Allah, our path is a reserved path
Ghurabaa`, ghurabaa`, ghurabaaa` ghurabaa`
Ghurabaa`, ghurabaa`, ghurabaaa` ghurabaa`
We never care about the chains, rather we’ll continue forever
We never care about the chains, rather we’ll continue forever
So let us make jihad, and battle, and fight from the start
Ghurabaa`, this is how they are free in the enslaved world
So let us make jihad, and battle, and fight from the start
Ghurabaa`, this is how they are free in the enslaved world
Ghurabaa`, ghurabaa`, ghurabaaa` ghurabaa`
Ghurabaa`, ghurabaa`, ghurabaaa` ghurabaa`
How many times we remembered a time when we were happy
In the book of Allah, we recite in the morning and the evening
How many times we remembered a time when we were happy
In the book of Allah, we recite in the morning and the evening
Ghurabaa`, ghurabaa`, ghurabaaa` ghurabaa`
Ghurabaa`, ghurabaa`, ghurabaaa` ghurabaa`
Ghurabaa` do not bow the foreheads to anyone besides Allah
Ghurabaa` have chosen this to be the motto of life
If you ask about us, then we do not care about the tyrants
We are the regular soldiers of Allah, our path is a reserved path
Ghurabaa`, ghurabaa`, ghurabaaa` ghurabaa`
Ghurabaa`, ghurabaa`, ghurabaaa` ghurabaa`
We never care about the chains, rather we’ll continue forever
We never care about the chains, rather we’ll continue forever
So let us make jihad, and battle, and fight from the start
Ghurabaa`, this is how they are free in the enslaved world
So let us make jihad, and battle, and fight from the start
Ghurabaa`, this is how they are free in the enslaved world
Ghurabaa`, ghurabaa`, ghurabaaa` ghurabaa`
Ghurabaa`, ghurabaa`, ghurabaaa` ghurabaa`
How many times we remembered a time when we were happy
In the book of Allah, we recite in the morning and the evening
How many times we remembered a time when we were happy
In the book of Allah, we recite in the morning and the evening
Ghurabaa`, ghurabaa`, ghurabaaa` ghurabaa`
Ghurabaa`, ghurabaa`, ghurabaaa` ghurabaa`
Ghurabaa`, ghurabaa`, ghurabaaa` ghurabaa`
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